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Clea Primary School, Keady


Welcome to the P7 page.

Mrs Duffy & Mr Farrell are the class teachers this year. Mrs Gollogly is the Classroom Assistant.

A special thanks to all the parents for their continued support this year; together we will ensure that your children achieve their best in every aspect of their school life.


Topics for 2024/2025

 The Rainforest

The Vikings

Local Study


A few things to mention:

Homework is set on a Monday for the week. This will be collected on a Friday. 

Children will receive spellings every other Monday and will be tested every second Friday. 

 PE will be every Tuesday and Thursday.  Please ensure that the children bring their trainers to school.

We encourage children to read daily. Please can you ensure that children have their reading records each day so that we'll be able to write in and keep you informed in regards to their reading.

Children have been issued with user names and passwords for Mathletics, J2E and Lexia.  We encourage children to access these at home if internet provision is available. For those that don't have access, please let us know and we will try to get your child on during class.  From time to time, homework tasks may involve using the internet and emailing work back to the school.  Please see the front of your child's homework book for the email addresses.

Please ensure that your child does not take any devices like phones, iPads etc to school.  It is against school policy to have these in school.  Take time to talk and monitor your child's access to the internet and remind them of the importance of Internet Safety.

Please contact the school to make an appointment if you would like to discuss anything in relation to your child.







9th Feb 2025
Autism Awareness Week came to a terrific conclusion on Friday as all of our Clea...
2nd Feb 2025
Catholic School’s Week 2025 was well-celebrated in Clea P.S. The children particularly...
9th Jan 2025
Fun in the snow for our boys and girls! The Clea PS children are a hardy sort and...
10th Dec 2024
Well done to Mr Farrell and so many of our pupils who participated in the Seán...

Latest Photographs



28th Nov 2024
Huge well done to our Clea P.S. community for all of your support in helping Simone...
24th Feb 2021
14th May 2020
Cathal in P7 has designed a new pizza and recipe for using chicken! He is participating...
3rd Apr 2020
Parents, new tasks have been added for your children in P6/7 in our home learning...