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Clea Primary School, Keady

Shared Education - Aspire Programme


Shared Education….what is it?

We are delighted to be involved in a Shared Education project this school year. The Education Authority in Northern Ireland and Léargas in the South of Ireland work in partnership to implement the Aspire Programme.

Aspire is for primary and secondary schools in Northern Ireland and the Border Counties of Ireland. Aspire aims to build a culture of good relations among school children and to equip them with the skills and attitudes needed to contribute to a society where the cycle of intolerance is broken and a culture of collaboration and cooperation is the norm. We want to instill in our children that it is our similarities that unite us rather than our differences that divide us. We hope that through the children working together on topics from our chosen curricular areas that they develop a rapport with children they may otherwise never have mixed with.

Our school has linked with Foley Primary School and Faughart Community National School Co Louth. For this year our schools are concentrating on outdoor learning and ICT with a technology and design/ STEM focus. Our children from Primary 3-7 will be participating this academic year with the intention of rolling the programme out to everyone in the coming years.

If you would like to be introduced to our partner schools in Faughart or in Foley please follow the links below.

Keep an eye on our social media platforms in the coming weeks and months to keep up with us as we journey through Shared Education. We look forward to fostering old relationships and building new ones with new found friends.

10th Jun 2022
A fabulous day out with Foley PS and Faughart CNS at our Shared Education Sports...
12th May 2022
Our boys and girls have been having a great time completing their “Share the...
11th Apr 2022
P1-P4 had a great day at Slieve Gullion with their Partner Schools- Foley PS and...